Invivoscribe B and T Cell Gene Rearrangement Assays

B and T Cell Gene Rearrangement Assays (RUO)
The Invivoscribe’s Research Use Only (RUO) clonality assays detect clonal populations in a few easy steps. These steps include PCR amplification of the Immunoglobulin or T-cell receptor genes of interest, followed by detection with non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels, capillary electrophoresis, or next-generation sequencing using an Illumina® MiSeq®, Thermo Fisher Scientific® Ion S5™ or PGM™ instrument. Here in this article we are discussing about gel and capillary assays in detail.
Invivoscribe provides a comprehensive selection of PCR-based assays gel detection and capillary electrophoresis (ABI fluorescence detection), including B- and T-cell gene arrangement, chromosome translocation, and gene mutation. The assays test extracted and purified genomic DNA (gDNA) from various specimen types. Invivoscribe’s gel detection assays offer a comparatively easy and inexpensive solution for clonality, gene rearrangement, chromosome translocation, and gene mutational testing. PCR products are analyzed using non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels (PAGE) with separation of heteroduplexes for resolution of generated amplicons.
Fragment analysis by capillary electrophoresis (CE) assays offers the ability to detect fragments with a high level of accuracy and analytical sensitivity. In comparison with gel-based detection, capillary electrophoresis detection allows for greater sample throughput and facilitates a more objective interpretation of results. Capillary electrophoresis kits are supplied with fluorescently labelled primers, allowing the resulting PCR products to be analyzed on Applied Biosystems (ABI) genetic analyzers e.g. 3130, 3500, 3500xL, 3500xL Dx.
For Research Use Only (RUO) reagents and controls, not for diagnostic purposes.
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Invivoscribe’s B and T Cell Gene Rearrangement Assays
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