Prosigna®Breast Cancer Prognostic Gene Signature Assay

Veracyte is a global genomic diagnostics company that develops molecular diagnostic tests for the healthcare industry. The company’s genomic tests improve patient care by providing answers to clinical questions, informing diagnosis and treatment decisions throughout the patient journey in cancer and other diseases.

In this article we are highlighting the Prosigna® Breast Cancer Prognostic Gene Signature Assay (Prosigna assay) which is a genomic test that analyzes the activity of 50 genes known as the PAM50 gene signature in early-stage, hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. CE-marked for in vitro diagnostic use in prognosis and surgical resection using FFPE breast tumour tissue, the Prosigna assay provides prognostic information that can help doctors make informed decisions about whether more treatments after surgery would be beneficial.

Using prognostic information to inform next steps in patient care

The Prosigna® Breast Cancer Prognostic Gene Signature Assay reports three key pieces of information specific to each patient:

    1. Risk Group (Low, Intermediate, High)
    2. Risk of Recurrence (ROR) Score
    3. Intrinsic Subtype (Luminal A, Luminal B, HER2-enriched, Basal-like)
Prosigna Breast Cancer Assay

Prosigna Breast Cancer Assay – genomic test

The Prosigna assay is performed in clinical laboratories on the nCounter Dx Analysis System, which offers a reproducible and cost-effective way to analyze many genes simultaneously with high sensitivity and precision, while requiring minimum hands-on time in the laboratory.

The Prosigna assay is intended for making therapy decisions in ER+/HER2- breast cancer. Knowing and being confident in the measurement of recurrence risk is an important consideration for deciding which treatment to recommend in ER+/HER2- breast cancer.

nCounter is the registered trademark of NanoStringTechnologies, Inc. in the United States and other countries and used by Veracyte under license. For more information visit Prosigna.

Genomax Technologies distributes the Prosigna assay in Singapore. If you have any questions, please contact

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