WEBINAR: Enabling novel technologies to effectively develop T and NK cell-based therapeutic products
Webinar Title: Enabling novel technologies to effectively develop T and NK cell-based therapeutic products
T cell and NK cells are the most promising cell types for providing treatments that could potentially offer cures to cancer and other diseases. Based on FDA guidelines, the manufacturing process for these immune cells must have high quality and controllable batch-to-batch variations in order to ensure the safety and efficacy of the “living drug.”
In this webinar with Nexcelom Bioscience, Dr. Vanda Sofia Lopes will describe the development and validation of “A novel Xeno-free serum substitute for T and NK cell culture to support clinical-grade manufacturing”. With the replacement of FBS and human-derived sera in T cell culture, the reproducibility of the cell culture can be better controlled to support the manufacture of defined cell products. The second speaker, Dr. Mojica will highlight innovative imaging cytometry tools for accurately counting cells and performing in-vitro immune cell functional analysis with reliable, robust, trackable, and easy workflows to ensure the manufacture of high-quality cell therapy products.
Key Points:
- The Development and validation of a reagent to replace FBS and hAB serum for better reproducibility, safety, and productivity in GMP manufacture of T cells and NK cells
- Image cytometry and its major applications in the development and manufacture of cell and gene therapies
- Application of high-speed and high-throughput image-based cytometry systems to reliably count and analyze immune cells in product development and manufacturing processes
Date: Thursday, January 27, 2022
Time: 10 am EST | 7 am PST | 11 pm SGT
Duration: 75 mins including Q&A session